What a Day in London - Judy Kuhn

What a Day in London

Judy Kuhn



Song Introduction

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The sun comes up

The lamps go down

The day begins in London town

There's tea to brew

And buns to bake

And some who just refuse to wake

While shops are stocked and flocks are fed

The midnight men drift home to bed

School bells chime

And church bells ring

Children whine

Peddlers sing

What a day in London

Come and see who's here

Everyone knows someone

They come from far and near

They bring their geese

Their finest fleece to please

The keenest eye

And hope and pray someone will say

There's something they might buy

With pigs to slop

And fish to gut

It ain't exactly heaven but

We thank the Lord

And kiss the ground

For bed and board in

London town

The upper crust lie fast asleep

But some of us got floors to sweep

One day's like the day before

Can't complain

If there's no war

What a day in London

Everything's for sale

Cabbages and onions

Look up!

Who's that? That girl up in the tree!

It's not a tree

It's moving... see

Good grief, what can it be?

Look there, I swear

She's flying through the air

She must be wild

She's just a child

I wish I had her hair!

My heart is pounding like a drum

I can't believe my eyes

In London people seem to come in every shape and size

So many paths I wonder how they find their way

So many signs I wonder what they really say

London is everything I've heard and more

London is nothing like I've seen before

Music and feathered hats

And roofs that shine

With flags flying higher than a pine

She seems so sweet

She means us well

Size 20 feet

How can you tell?

We'll rue this day, you wait and see

What is to be or not to be?

How do they build their huts so tall?

Can this all be one tribe?

The things they sell

The things I smell

I never could describe

These cakes taste just like berries picked this very day

The sound a river makes still takes my breath away

London's as busy as a hive of bees

Grandmother Willow would just love these trees

Crowded and loud but so exciting, too

With colors I never even knew

What a day in London, nothing strange at all

'Cept a girl with someone maybe 10 feet tall

This day's become a day

No one is likely to forget

A day we'll all remember

As the day two worlds have met

Such beauty's rare

I'm quite impressed!

One musn't stare

She's barely dressed!

The strength of ten that's what I've heard

She's won the men just take my word

A brave young thing to venture here

It will be an adventure

Perhaps some brew to quench your thirst?

Not with you, I saw her first!

What a day in London

History was made

Take away the mystery

Then you're not afraid

We've seen a girl

(I've seen a world)

We never dreamed we'd see

(I never dreamed I'd see)

What an extra special day

Unique in truly every way

How wonderful this London day turned out to be!

- It's already the end -