Finale: Children Will Listen - Brian D'Arcy James

Finale: Children Will Listen

Brian D'Arcy James



Song Introduction

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The slotted spoon can catch the potato

Every knot was once straight rope

The harder to wake, the better to have

The greater the good, the harder the blow

When going to hide know how to get there

And how to get back

And eat first

The knife that is sharp today

May be dull by tomorrow


Now we can all return home

And let us hope there will be no more killing

Where am I to go?

I have no one to take care of me

You'll have to take care of yourself now, Jack

It's time

No, it's not

I'll take care of him

You will?


I'll be your mother now

I don't want another mother

I want a friend

And a pet

Well, of course, we have nowhere to go

So, we'll move in with you!

Oh... no

It'll be fun

My house is in shambles

There's hardly any room for-

Of course

You can come home with us

And you shall join us, too

You'll not return to the castle?

I'll gladly help you with your house

There are times I actually enjoy cleaning

How proud your wife would have been of you

And how sad it is that my son will never know her

Maybe I just wasn't meant to have children

Don't say that

Of course you were meant to have children

But how will I go about being a father

With no one to mother my child?

Just calm the child

Yes, calm the child


Tell him the story of how it all happened

Be father and mother

You'll know what to do


Sometimes people leave you

Halfway through the wood

Do not let it grieve you

No one leaves for good

You are not alone

No one is alone

Hold him to the light now

Let him see the glow

Things will be alright now

Tell him what you know

Shh, shh, shh

Once upon a time

In a far-off kingdom

There lived-

Careful the things you say (a young maiden)

Children will listen (a sad young lad)

Careful the things you do

Children will see (and a childless baker)

And learn (with his wife)

Children may not obey

But children will listen

Children will look to you

For which way to turn

To learn what to be

Careful before you say, listen to me

Children will listen

Careful the wish you make

Wishes are children

Careful the path they take

Wishes come true

Not free

Careful the spell you cast

Not just on children

Sometimes a spell may last

Past what you can see

And turn against you

Careful the tale you tell

That is the spell

Children will listen

Though it's fearful

Though it's deep

Though it's dark

And though you may lose

The path

Though you may

Encounter wolves (though it's fearful, though it's deep)

You can't just act (though it's dark and though you may lose the path)

You have to (though you may encounter- though it's fearful)

Listen (wolves! Tough it's deep)

You can't just act (though it's dark and though you may)

You have to think! (Lose the path)

There are always wolves

There are always spells

There are always beans

Or a Giant dwells there

So into the woods you go again

You have to every now and then

Into the woods

No telling when

Be ready for the journey

Into the woods

But not too fast

Or what you wish you lose at last

Into the woods, but mind the past

Into the woods, but mind the future

Into the woods, but not to stray

Or tempt the Wolf

Or steal from the Giant

They way is dark

The light is dim

But now there's you, me

Her and him

The chances look small

The choices look grim

But everything you learn there

Will help when you return there

The light is getting dimmer

I think I see a glimmer

Into the woods you have to grope

But that's the way you learn to cope

Into the woods to find there's hope

Of getting through the journey

Into the woods

Each time you go

There's more to learn

Of what you know

Into the woods, but not to slow

Into the woods it's nearing midnight

Into the woods to mind the Wolf

To heed the Witch

To honor the Giant

To mind, to heed

To find, to think

To teach, to join

To go to the Festival

Into the woods

Into the woods

Into the woods

Then out of the woods

And happy ever after!

I wish!

- It's already the end -