Prologue: So Happy - ‘Into The Woods’ 2022 Broadway Cast

Prologue: So Happy

‘Into The Woods’ 2022 Broadway Cast



Song Introduction

"Prologue: So Happy" 是经典音乐剧《穿越森林》(Into The Woods)中的开场曲,由2022年百老汇剧组演唱。这首充满活力的歌曲介绍了剧中的主要角色及其各自的愿望,通过欢快的旋律和引人入胜的歌词,为观众揭开了多个童话故事交织的序幕。2022年的演出团队为这首深受喜爱的经典曲目注入了新的活力与诠释,以其充满激情的表演赢得了观众的喜爱,成功营造出既奇幻又富有深意的舞台氛围。

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Once upon a time, later

I wish (in the same far-off kingdom)

More than anything, more than life (lived a young princess)

(The lad Jack) More than footmen

I wish (and the baker and his family)

No I miss (I wish)

More than anything (more than the moon)

There, there

I wish to sponsor a festival

More than life (I miss)

The time has come for a festival

(More than riches) and a ball

I miss my kingdom up in the sky (more than anything)

I wish we had more room (Play, harp)

Another room

But despite some minor inconveniences, they were all content

I never thought I'd wed a prince

I never thought I'd find perfection

I never thought I could be so happy

Not an unhappy moment since (I didn't think we'd be this rich)

Not a conceivable objection (I never thought we'd have a baby)

I never thought I could be so happy

Happy now, happy hence, happy ever after

We're so happy you're so happy

Just as long as you stay happy, we'll stay happy

Not one row

Pots of pence

With my cow

Little gurgles

Darling, I must go now

We should really sell it

Where's the cheesecloth

Wishes may bring problems such that you regret them

Better that though than to never get them

I'm going to be a perfect wife (I'm going to be a perfect son)

I'm going to be a perfect mother (I'm going to be a perfect father)

I'm going to see she is so happy (I'm going to see he is so happy)

I never thought I'd love my life

I would have settled for another

Then to become a wife

Then to set for life

Then to beget a child

That fortune smiled, I'm so happy

If only this cottage were a little larger

I will expand our quarters in due time

Why would we expand when we could simply move to another cottage?

We will not move. This was my father's house, now it will be my son's

You would raise your child alongside a witch?

Why does he always cry when I hold him?

Babies cry, he's fine. You needn't hold him as if he were so fragile

He wants his mother. Here

I can't take care of him all the time

I'll care for him when he's older

We had to go through thick and thin

We had to lose a lot to win

I ventured out and saw within

I never thought I'd be so much I hadn't been

I'm so happy

Oh my goodness

Are you alright?

I think so

And the baby?

Yes, he's fine. Are you alright?

You. Have you done this to our house?

Always thinkin' of yourself. Look at my garden

What of your garden?



What has happened?

I was thrown to the ground, I saw nothing

What could do such a thing?

An earthquake

No earthquake. My garden has been trampled, those are footprints

Who could do such a thing?

Anything that leaves a footprint that large is no who

Do you think it was a bear?

A bear? Bears are sweet

Besides you ever see a bear with 40-foot feet?

A dragon?

No scorch marks, usually they're linked






Possible. Very very possible

More than possible, their fears would prove to be well-founded

Into the woods, it's always when

You think, at last, you're through and then

Into the woods, you go again to take another journey

Into the woods, the weather's clear,

We've been before we've naught to fear

Into the woods away from here

Into the woods to find a giant

Into the woods to Grandmother's house

Into the woods, the path is straight, no reason then to hesitate

Into the woods, it's not so late, it's just another journey

Into the woods, but not too long

The skies are strange, the winds are strong

Into the woods to see what's wrong

Into the woods to slay the giant

Into the woods to shield the child

To flee the winds

To find a future

To shield, to slay, to flee, to find

To fix, to hide, to move

To battle, to see what the trouble is

- It's already the end -