Gnaw - Alex G


Alex G



Song Introduction

Alex G(亚历克斯·G)是一位备受瞩目的美国独立音乐人,以其独特的实验性音乐风格和深情的歌词著称。他的歌曲《Gnaw》收录于2019年发行的专辑《House of Sugar》中。《Gnaw》融合了民谣、另类摇滚与迷幻元素,展现了亚历克斯在音乐创作上的多样性与创新力。歌曲通过细腻的旋律和情感充沛的演唱,探讨了内心挣扎与人际关系的复杂性,深受乐迷和评论家的好评。《Gnaw》的成功不仅进一步巩固了Alex G在独立音乐界的地位,也为他赢得了更多的国际关注和认可。

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Yeah, you were scarred

And you were cryin' loud, right out in the schoolyard

And, yeah, I felt good

Everything I knew was looking just as it should

And I saw the tree

I carved in it "666" and he found me

But I am no fool

I know every time I look in his eyes, he sees me too

Dry your eyes

I won't tell your mother

She won't ever discover

The things you kept under the covers

And please don't cry

I am not your brother

I am not your lover

And there is nothing wrong

- It's already the end -