Koe Wetzel的最新单曲《Austin》展现了德克萨斯州首府的独特魅力,融合了传统乡村音乐与现代摇滚元素。这首歌曲延续了Wetzel标志性的叙事风格,讲述了爱情、冒险以及奥斯汀独特文化的故事。《Austin》自发布以来,迅速赢得了粉丝的喜爱,登上了多个乡村音乐排行榜,成为Wetzel作品中的亮点。这首歌不仅展示了他对家乡的热爱,也进一步巩固了他在乡村音乐界的地位。
These sleeping pills ain't working for me
I'm wide awake talking to these naked walls
They ain't got too much to say, I get tired
Then my mind goes out the gutter, the past and present run together
Kinda like they used to
I can't believe that you're not alone
Happy as hell that you done moved on
Heard he's a banker down in Austin
I thought you always hated it there
Write me a letter or answer your phone
Just don't make me believe these things I can't believe
It's 4:00 a.m., you never answer this late
If you do, it's unexpected, and if you do, it turns out great
But only for a little while, 'til you realize what you done
'Til you see that morning sun
You always tuck your tail when it's time to run
I can't believe that you're not alone
Happy as hell that you done moved on
I can't believe you're south of
Austin, you told me that you hated it there
Write me a letter or answer your phone
Just don't make me believe these things I can't believe
I can't believe that you're not alone
Happy as hell that you done moved on
I can't believe that you're leaving Austin
I knew you always hated it there
Write me a letter or answer your phone
Just don't make me believe these things I can't believe
Don't make me believe these things I can't
That I can't believe