"Rocket to the Moon" 是由Cathy Ang演唱的歌曲,收录于Netflix动画电影《满月之旅》(Over the Moon)的原声带中。这首歌曲融合了动感的旋律与深情的歌词,完美契合影片中冒险与探索的主题。Cathy Ang富有表现力的歌声为音乐增添了情感深度,使《Rocket to the Moon》在电影的音乐阵容中脱颖而出。该曲因其振奋人心的旋律和朗朗上口的编曲,受到了观众和评论家的高度评价,成为影片中的亮点之一。
I look up in the heavens
And I can see your face
Your gentle eyes in moonlight
I feel your warm embrace
We were the perfect family
Baba, you and me
I never thought that he'd find someone new
And not remember you
Of all the tales you told me
Chang'e was what I loved
She lost her precious Houyi
Then floated up above
She waits for him forever
So Baba, why can't he?
If I can prove to him her tale is true
He'll remember you
Fly away
Chang'e, are you calling to me?
Fly away
Are you up there looking at me?
Can you see what nobody sees?
Can you hear my voice up on the moon?
Fly away
Wish I had the wings to take me
High away
To a place where no one doubts me
And I'd walk on a lunar dune
Could I find a way to get there soon?
Build a rocket to the moon
I would fly beyond the stars to keep my family
If I did, I'd show my father love lasts all eternity
I would prove truth's in the heart
Not only what you see
Make him see
Could I discover a way to break through?
What could a girl like me possibly do?
Build me a rocket, imagine the viеw
Oh, how I want to
Fly away
Chang'e, I am coming to you
High away
Baba, I will prove it to you
I'll be free of all gravity
Hеy Chang'e, I'm gonna be there soon
In my rocket to the moon