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We're closed for renovation
For spiffing-up and grooming
'Cause customers are flocking
And business has been booming
We need refrigeration
In our new, improved display
So we're closed for renovation
Yes indeed
This is is the shop you heard about on the channel five news
Yes the Audrey II is on display exclusively here
We're closed for decoration
'Cause fortune has been smiling
So now we're due for painting
New plumbing and re-tiling
We'll make a ship-shape showplace
Of a little shop and then
Tomorrow we'll be open
Aren't you finished yet?
I'm doing my best, but all these bandaids make it kinda hard
You've been getting hurt so much lately
Uh, I know
It seems like every time I pick up a pruning shear I slip
We're closed for renovation
For swabbing-down and brooming
'Cause business has been thriving
Since Audrey Two's been blooming
The phones have not stopped ringing
With the customers who say
Another bunch of peonies
Another dozen daisies please
Geraniums, anemones
Forget-me-nots and fleur-de-lis
With gratis home deliveries
On paid-in-fulls and C.O.D.'s
We're closed for renovation