Overture / Main Street, U.S.A. - Disneyland Attraction Version - Disneyland Concert Orchestra

Overture / Main Street, U.S.A. - Disneyland Attraction Version

Disneyland Concert Orchestra



Song Introduction

"Overture / Main Street, U.S.A. - Disneyland Attraction Version" 是由Disneyland Concert Orchestra演奏的一首经典乐曲。这首作品完美再现了迪士尼乐园主街美国区(Main Street, U.S.A.)的魅力与活力,融合了标志性的旋律和丰富的管弦乐编排。作为迪士尼乐园重要的主题音乐之一,这个版本常在现场表演和官方录音中播放,为听众带来身临其境的迪士尼魔法体验。

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Hello, welcome to Disneyland

We have dedicated this happy place

To the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America

This dedication is engraved on a plaque

At the foot of the flight pole in the Disneyland townsquare

Suddenly, as we come into this square

The cares and worries of today are left behind

And we find ourselves in a little town in the year 1900

On one hand is the City Hall and on the other is the fire station

Down Maine Street, we see the emporium and all the many shops

There is the old music store, the penny arcade with its blurring orchestrion

The popcorn man and the old calliope

At the end of the street, the marching band appears in full regalia

But let's take the horse-drawn street cart and ride down Maine Street

- It's already the end -