A Man Has Dreams / A Spoonful of Sugar (reprise) - London Cast Recording - David Haig as George Banks

A Man Has Dreams / A Spoonful of Sugar (reprise) - London Cast Recording

David Haig as George Banks



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George (spoken)

I used to dream that when I grew up I'd learn everything

There was to know about the stars.

It's funny, I haven't thought about all that in years.

I'm not usually sentimental.

Bert (spoken):

S' good to look back sometimes.

George: (spoken):

Is it? I'm not so sure


A man has dreams of walking with giants

To carve his niche in the edifice of time

Before the mortar of his zeal

Has a chance to congeal


The cup is dashed from his lips

The flame is snuffed aborning

He's brought to rack and ruin in his prime

Bert (spoken):

Life's a rum go, Guv'nor, and that's the truth.

George (spoken):

Do you know what I think? It's Mary Poppins! From the moment

She stepped into the house, things began to happen to me!

Bert (spoken):

Mary Poppins eh?

George (spoken):

Yes, yes, of course!


My world was calm, well ordered, exemplary

Then came this person, with chaos in her wake

And now my life's ambitions go with one fell blow

It's quite a bitter pill to take


It's that Poppins woman! She's responsible for all this!

Bert (spoken):

I know the very person. 'Ere, what's the thing she's always saying?


A spoonful of sugar that is all it takes

It changes bread and water into tea and cakes

George (spoken):

There you see, that's exactly what I mean! Changing bread and water

Into tea and cakes indeed! No wonder everything's coming unstrung

Around here!

A spoonful of sugar goes a long, long way

'Ave yourself a 'ealthy 'elpin' ev'ry day

George (spoken):

A healthy helping of trouble if you ask me!

Bert (spoken):

Like you say, Guv'nor.


You've got to grind, grind, grind

At that grindstone

Though child'ood slips like sand through a sieve

And all too soon they've up grown

And then they've flown

And it's too late for you to give

Just that spoonful of sugar

To 'elp the medicine go down

The medicine go down, the medicine go down.


Well good luck, Guv'nor.

George (spoken):

Thank you, Bert. And good luck to you too.

- It's already the end -