Lord and Lady Hare
Fighting over there
Darling, do beware
She's a bitch
Lady Aberdare's
Having an affair
With the butler there
Just her niche
Fine party
divine party
A touch tarty but
stinkin' rich
What a pretty smile
Mrs. Grenville-Heath
Pity they are not
all her teeth
Lord Devere as well
He's as queer as hell
And bi-sexuelle
Likes to switch
and so vicious
Our one wish is to
Bitch, bitch, bitch
Lady Postlethwaite
God, she's put on weight
Gives you more to hate
Mean old bitch
Lady Leopold
Looking really old
Poor Sir Leopold
She's a witch
Chic people
Unique people
And freak people we
Quickly ditch
Lady Delaware
Awful color hair
That's her lover there
With the twitch
Lord and Lady Biggs
What a pair of pigs
Wear each other's wigs
Itch, itch, itch
June wedding
The bride dreading
The leg-spreading
While London's rich
Come here and
Bitch, bitch, bitch
Bitch, bitch, bitch