Nevada black hoodie
Keep on cutting me please
So much gore online
Fantasizing when you die
Fantasize, fantasize eat your flesh alive
Fantasize, fantasize eat your flesh alive
Nevada black hoodie
Keep on cutting me please
So much gore online
Fantasizing when you die
Fantasize, fantasize eat your flesh alive
Fantasize, fantasize eat your flesh alive
I want to, be with u please marry me, at the cemetery
I want to, be with u please marry me, at the cemetery
I wanna bleed out in a bathtub
Hold my hand My love
I think I'm gonna throw up
My time has come
In the 27 club I'm gone I'm gone
Would u really miss me I'm gone I'm gone
Nevada black hoodie
Keep on cutting me please
So much gore online
Fantasizing when you die
Fantasize, fantasize eat your flesh alive
Fantasize, fantasize eat your flesh alive
Nevada black hoodie
Keep on cutting me please
So much gore online
Fantasizing when you die
Fantasize, fantasize eat your flesh alive
Fantasize, fantasize eat your flesh alive