“Maybe Love - Reprise” 是百老汇音乐剧《Shucked》原班人马演唱的一首感人歌曲。作为剧情的重要转折点,这首重唱版本重新诠释了爱情与社区的主题,展现了角色之间深厚的情感联系和个人成长。优美的旋律结合深情的歌词,使这首歌在观众中引发强烈共鸣。批评家和观众一致赞赏“Maybe Love - Reprise”的情感表达和演唱者的精彩表现,认为它是《Shucked》制作中的亮点之一。
Maybe love
It starts out young
It makes you mad
It makes you dumb
Might let pride get in the way
Then maybe love can save the day
Maybe love (maybe love)
Is like a farm (is like a town)
It keeps you fed (it keeps you safe)
Keeps you sound (keeps you sound)
Might get frozen in the frost
But maybe love is never lost
Maybe love is like a seed
A little sun is all it needs
A little rain (a little sun)
A little snow (and so it goes)
And it grows and grows in rows and rows from dust
Maybe love
Just needs a little faith
A little trust
Maybe love
Just needs a little love